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Utah Inpatient Rehabs

What Is Inpatient Drug Rehab in Utah?

Addiction treatment is available in many settings, but inpatient rehab provides the highest support for recovery. As such, this type of rehab is best suited for persons with severe addiction. The treatment program will also benefit individuals who can afford to take time off work and temporarily pause life commitments. 

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA) sets the standard for addiction treatment in the United States. The Utah Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health (DSAMH) licenses and regulates inpatient drug rehab centers at the state level. Both agencies provide resources that help Utah residents find rehab centers nearby. 

How to Prepare for Inpatient Treatment in Utah

Inpatient rehab treatment means that people will have to stay in a rehab center for the entirety of the program. For most people, worrying about work, family, school, and other life responsibilities is natural. These worries often weigh patients down and may slow the pace of recovery. For a better experience, rehab specialists recommend that patients make arrangements that keep concerns off their minds. 

Make Arrangements at Work before Going to Rehab

Start by looking into your company's Employee Assistance Program (EAP). These programs are a great way for workers to get the time needed for addiction treatment. What's more, EAPs are confidential. The program typically prevents employers from knowing the specifics of the services their workers receive. The exception is in cases where state laws require disclosure. 

Drug and alcohol addiction will impair the performance of even the best workers. And with the intention of avoiding termination, most employees would rather postpone their recovery needs until they can take a vacation. For most people, "the right time" does not come until an incident makes the drug problem too big to ignore. Most companies use EAPs to encourage employees to get addiction treatment before the problem gets out of hand. 

Take a Work Leave

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) gives workers the right to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave per year. However, to enjoy the legal protections under this law, the worker must take leave for one of six qualifying reasons

Needing addiction treatment is one of those reasons, but it must be based on a referral by a health care provider. Employers cannot lawfully decline this leave to get treatment, but they may legally fire workers who continue to use drugs rather than get professional help. 

Enter a Return-to-work Agreement

This agreement lets employees take time off work to get addiction treatment. Furthermore, it outlines accommodations made for the employee's absence and the employer's expectations for when the employee returns. Employers often initiate this agreement, especially when patients plan to pay for rehab with work health insurance. 

This agreement is a win-win for employers and employees with special skillsets. Although unpleasant, making a return-to-work agreement is better than getting laid off for a drug problem. After all, a termination can hurt future job prospects. 

Make Other Temporary Arrangements

Patients with pets and plants typically pay sitters to look after their furry companions and apartments while away. Friends and family can take turns helping out, too, especially regarding paying utilities, rent, and bills. 

Learn about the Center's Rules

Rehab centers have rules on what patients can bring to the facility. Besides these rules, it is also a good idea to discuss the specifics of treatment like payment plans, arrival, visitation rules, and the center's refund policy. 

How Much Does Inpatient Rehab Cost in Utah?

It depends. The cost of inpatient treatment depends on several factors, especially the services available at the center, the length of stay, and the facility's location. 

Rehab Services and the Cost of Rehab

Inpatient rehab centers provide several addiction treatment services, from medical detox to psychotherapy. Many inpatient centers also offer medical services to patients with co-occurring diseases. These services must be available and delivered by experts at short notice, meaning the rehab cost is higher. 

Also, patients in rehab need continual support and monitoring to ensure a safe and comfortable experience. As such, the fees that inpatient treatment centers charge reflect the cost keep experienced staff available round-the-clock. 

Facility's Location and the Cost of Rehab

Location is another factor that determines how much rehab will cost. Generally, facilities in urban areas cost more than those in the countryside. 

Even at that, choosing the facility with the lesser quote does not always mean the cost stays low for the patient. For one, there is the cost of moving out-of-town for treatment, moving back after the program ends, and everything in between. Nevertheless, moving out of town for a while, and being physically far from stressors and triggers, can significantly improve the rehab experience.

Amenities and Cost of Rehab

State and federal authorities set the standard for the amenities centers must have to provide safe addiction treatment in Utah. Many centers go above this standard to improve patients’ rehab experience. For example, a high-end center may offer body imaging studies, dialysis, oxygen therapy, allergy tests, and standard addiction treatment services. 

Indeed, full recovery is possible without these extra amenities. However, these amenities can help rehab specialists design highly personalized addiction treatment plans. 

Meanwhile, laundry services and special diet accommodations affect how much rehab costs. Many inpatient rehab centers also have sporting and exercise amenities to facilitate a more holistic recovery. These, too, will increase the cost of rehab. 

Length of Stay and the Cost of Rehab

Inpatient treatment centers typically begin as 30-day programs, but stay may extend for patients who need more time to get the best out of addiction treatment. However, spending more time in rehab also means the patient continues to pay for the services received. 

What to Expect in a Utah Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility

Daily life at Utah inpatient rehabilitation centers revolves around providing addiction treatment and preparing the patient to live a healthy, sober life after the program. 

The first two weeks at the facility usually involve medical detox and providing the necessary support to ensure the patient is safe and comfortable. But drug detox is only one stage in the recovery process. Patients also spend these first weeks adjusting to life without the stressors and triggers of their addiction, especially if those things are environmental. 

And for the next two weeks after detox, the focus is on the mental and behavioral aspects of maintaining sobriety. At this stage, the patient meets with their rehab specialist for private therapy sessions that help them unpack how addiction has affected them. More importantly, the sessions focus on ways patients can live healthy, fulfilling lives without drugs. 

A Day in a Utah Inpatient Rehab Center

Mornings generally start with patients doing light exercises or basic chores, washing up, and having breakfast. Patients who need medication also take their doses at this time. Then, patients move on to hour-long sessions with their rehab specialists. By mid-day, treatment pauses to allow for lunch and personal time. 

In the afternoons, treatment resumes with group activities, usually exercise or therapy sessions. Patients on medication also continue with the drugs on their regimen. Evenings continue with short rehab sessions to further improve patients' sobriety skills and end with dinner. After that, patients have time to write in their journals and interact with one another before sleeping.

Indeed, daily life at inpatient rehab centers is structured, but there is enough variety. The rehab center may organize shopping trips, special events, or recreational outings.

How Does Inpatient Alcohol Rehab Work in Utah?

Generally, inpatient alcohol rehab in Utah involves three stages: medical detox, rehabilitation, and follow-up. On average, inpatient treatment for alcohol takes 28-days. However, patients with severe addiction or alcohol dependence may take longer to get the best benefits. 

Rehab specialists recommend inpatient alcohol rehab for people who need intensive support to overcome serious drinking habits. Likewise, persons living in unsafe or unsupportive environments will benefit from inpatient alcohol rehab. This program is also recommended because the initial stages of alcohol rehab can be uncomfortable and sometimes lead to a life-threatening emergency. 

Medical Detox

Indeed, detoxing from alcohol is a necessary step to recovery. The process involves total abstinence as the body adjusts to not experiencing the stimulant or mood-altering effect of the substance. The side effects of this abstinence show as withdrawal symptoms within six hours. 

Generally, patients become nervous and have difficulty concentrating. As the detox progresses and night falls, patients have trouble sleeping and may throw up several times. Within 12 hours of detox, patients start to sweat and, in many cases, hallucinate. While these symptoms typically peak within 48 hours, most people experience them for up to five days, albeit at a lesser intensity. 

These symptoms are uncomfortable and challenging to endure, but rehab specialists will be there to ease pain and ensure a life-threatening emergency does not happen. The next stage of inpatient alcohol rehab starts after detox. 


Alcohol detox stabilizes the body, but it only makes up half of the treatment process. Rehab specialists begin this stage by helping patients understand how alcohol addiction has affected them physically and mentally. However, the main focus is on helping patients develop a keen interest and personal motivation to remain sober. 

While the approach varies from facility to facility, most patients benefit from individual counseling and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Both therapies help patients learn the skills for stopping alcohol use and avoiding

relapse. CBT is most beneficial because it helps patients see the behavioral patterns that lead to alcohol use and develop ways to change those behaviors.  

Another aspect of rehabilitation is using medication to manage alcohol addiction, i.e., medication-assisted treatment (MAT). Here, rehab specialists prescribe safe drugs to help the patient maintain sobriety better. MAT is especially recommended for patients with severe alcohol addiction. 

Treatment Follow-up

This stage of inpatient alcohol rehab happens towards the end of the program. Here, rehab specialists set up a post-rehab follow-up appointment with the patient. The goals are to check in on the patient's progress, encourage participation in follow-up programs like Alcoholics Anonymous, and provide support for new challenges. 

Services Offered in Utah Inpatient Drug Treatment Programs

Inpatient treatment centers in Utah provide a host of services based on standards provided by state and federal authorities. In addition to these services, many rehab centers also offer additional treatment services to improve the recovery experience for patients. As such, the services available in Utah rehab centers vary. Nevertheless, patients can expect to receive the following treatment services during rehab: 

Treatment Planning

Treatment planning is the first service every patient in rehab receives. Here, rehab specialists use medical tools and tests to assess the patient's physical and mental health. Then, they prepare a recovery plan to begin treatment and adjust as necessary.


Medical detox in a rehab center is important to restore a patient's body to as close as possible to a healthy state. A team of rehab specialists monitors patients throughout this process to ensure a safe and successful detox. 

Medication-assisted Treatment (MAT) 

Rehab specialists recommend MAT for patients with severe addiction or special needs, especially patients with a history of a drug overdose. The drugs used in MAT can relieve cravings, suppress withdrawal symptoms, and thus help manage drug dependency. 

Medical Tests and Treatment

Addiction rarely happens alone. Indeed, many cases of drug addiction started as a way to manage some physical or mental condition. In other cases, addiction damages a person's body and mind. Thus, inpatient rehab centers provide medical tests to diagnose and manage these co-occurring conditions. 

However, this service will depend on the equipment and expertise available at the rehab center. For example, many centers offer physiotherapy for veterans dealing with traumatic injury and addiction. Many also provide treatment for infections like HIV, Hepatitis, and Tuberculosis in people recovering from addiction. 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) 

CBT helps patients understand the behavioral patterns (thoughts, feelings, triggers, and actions) that lead to their drug use. Then, the therapist helps patients develop ways to change these behaviors to help them maintain sobriety. 

Family Therapy

Many inpatient rehab centers schedule sessions with patients' loved ones, usually partners and family members. During these therapy sessions, participants process how the drug problem has affected their relationships and learn ways to support their loved ones through sobriety. 

Group Therapy

Group therapy provides a platform for persons in recovery to share their thoughts and explore their thoughts and behaviors through the eyes of people who can relate. 

Skills Development

Drug addiction turns many people into recluses for fear of judgment or rejection. And over time, the person's interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate with others decline. Skills development sessions help patients remedy this situation. 

In these sessions, patients practice handling normal social interactions in casual and work settings. Patients also role-play situations where they may crave or feel pressured to use drugs and how to prevent a relapse. 

How Long Is Inpatient Rehab in Utah?

It depends. According to the 2019 SAMHSA report, patients spend an average of 44 days in inpatient treatment. However, persons who need intense support or have special needs may spend up to 100 days in rehab. The major factors affecting the length of stay in inpatient rehab in Utah include the severity of the addiction and the patient's overall health. 

The Severity of the Addiction

The length of time a patient will spend in an inpatient treatment program depends on several factors. The leading factor that affects how long a person needs to stay in rehab is the severity of the addiction. Persons dependent on multiple drugs or addicted for a long time will need more time to recover. Conversely, patients with addiction to single drugs or a short addiction history will typically spend less time in rehab. 

Overall Health

The existence of co-occurring physical and mental conditions means the patient needs special attention and care for a full recovery. Thus, these patients stay longer in rehab as recovery specialists treat addiction and co-occurring conditions. In contrast, patients in relatively sound health will have a shorter stay in rehab. 

Can I Have Visitors During Utah Inpatient Rehab?

Yes. Inpatient rehabilitation centers allow patients' friends and family members to schedule visits or come on open days. However, visitors must follow the facility's visitation rules. Generally, visitors must remain in designated visitation areas and, most importantly, be drug-free. Furthermore, most rehab centers caution against discussing topics that may upset the patient. 

Advantages of Inpatient Rehab in Utah

For people with severe addiction, having a drug-free environment to recover significantly improves the chances of achieving sobriety. Besides this, there are also several other advantages: 

  • Access to round-the-clock support from experts
  • Ready access to medical services in case of a complication
  • Support for co-occurring physical and mental conditions
  • Removes patients from stressors and triggers
  • Reduces the chances of relapse during treatment
  • Patients get access to a community of people who understand the struggle

What Is Inpatient vs. Outpatient Treatment in Utah

The goal of rehab is to help people struggling with drug addiction recover and sustain sobriety. People have historically achieved this goal by going to an inpatient (residential) program or an outpatient treatment (non-residential) program. But despite their common goals, both programs are different: 

The Length of Stay

The average length of an inpatient program in Utah is 44 days, compared to 144 days in outpatient treatment programs. Thus, inpatient rehab is typically shorter.  

Program Structure 

Inpatient rehab programs are residential. So, patients stay in the facility throughout the entire program. Conversely, outpatient programs are non-residential. Patients visit the rehab center, receive treatment, and leave after their sessions. 

The Level of Support 

The residential nature of inpatient treatment programs means that patients have round-the-clock support. A team of rehab specialists is always available to attend to patients' needs and monitor recovery in real-time. 

Although outpatient rehab programs also provide a high level of support, patients cannot access round-the-clock support. Access to rehab specialists is mostly during scheduled meetings. 

Cost of Rehab

Round-the-clock support and the residential nature of inpatient rehabilitation mean the cost of rehab is significantly higher. The center is also responsible for patients' upkeep, including feeding, medication, and accommodation. Conversely, the cost of an outpatient program of similar length is significantly lower mainly because outpatient centers only provide addiction services. 

Inpatient Addiction Treatment Near Me in Utah

If you or a loved one needs to find an inpatient rehabilitation center in Utah, call the DSAMH helpline at (801) 538-3939. The agency also maintains a library of resources for finding recovery support in Utah. 

Yet another way to find an inpatient rehab center in Utah is to use the SAMHSA treatment center locator. A recovery advocate is also ready to talk you through the process anytime. Call (800) 662-4357 to speak to someone at SAMHSA to have a free, confidential talk about finding the best rehab center for you in Utah.